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12 January 2006


Job opportunity working with canids in Iran

Wellcome Trust-funded
Ecology & Epidemiology Group
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Warwick

A field-based project to investigate the ecology and epidemiology of an
important global vector-borne human and canine protozoal pathogen
causing leishmaniasis. Following the recent success of a novel
intervention method to reduce childhood and canine infection rates, this
up and running project is designed to test specific hypotheses to
characterise the epidemiological settings in which the intervention
could be appropriately implemented. The primary tasks in this study
include understanding the interactions between hosts (dogs, jackals, and
foxes) and sandfly vectors, to evaluate the behaviour and vectorial
capacity of sandfly species, and quantify infection and transmission
dynamics. Fieldwork will be conducted during the short (6 month)
transmission season over 2 years in rural northern Iran in collaboration
with the Pasteur Institute (Tehran) and University of Medical Sciences

The successful candidate will have a post graduate qualification in
field ecology, extensive experience in trapping, handling and sampling
wildlife, a track record in project management, and experience in a
developing country. Entomological training will be provided.

The initial contract is for 6 months starting in April/May 2006 (i.e.
for the duration of the first transmission season), with likely

For further information and informal discussion, please contact Dr. Orin
Courtenay orin.courtenay@warwick.ac.uk Tel. 02476 524550

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