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03 July 2006


Field position in Kenya

The African Wild Dog Conservancy has recently launched a community-based wild dog conservation project in the Ijara District of Kenya. We are looking for a student (or someone with a degree in hand) to hire as a project field assistant/collaborator.  This person must be from the local area and speak English.  Please see our website (URL: www.AWDConservancy.org) for details about who we are, what we do, and the project.  We are searching for someone that is extremely responsible, loves the bush, the heat, wildlife, knows the communities (must want to build good working relationships with the Pokomo and Aweer), is innovative, adaptable, knows how to laugh, and is willing to live with little comfort.  We will train the person in field techniques including radio telemetry, and also data management, scientific writing, etc.  Wild dogs are nomadic and cover large distances.  They are difficult animals to study.  Be aware that this is a very demanding job, but also very rewarding for those committed to wildlife conservation and community-based approaches.  
Please email us a short message telling us why you are interested in the position,and attach your CV or résumé.
Kim McCreery, Ph.D. & Robert Robbins, Ph.D.
African Wild Dog Conservancy
P.O. Box 30692
Tucson, AZ 85751
African Wild Dog Working Group &
IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group

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